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    [Rezi] Kendare Blake – The Young Queens [Three Dark Crowns]

    Klappentext Mirabella, Arsinoe, and Katharine weren’t always scheming to murder each other. They weren’t always surrounded by rival foster families, each swearing to have their best interests at heart. And they weren’t always afraid of being unexpectedly attacked—by one of their own sisters, no less—in a way that could cost them their last breath. They used to be together. Just three sisters. Alone in a glen. This is the story of the three queens—after they were born, before they were separated, during the time when they all lived together, loved each other, and protected each other. It’s also the story of the day they were torn apart, and the several…

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    [Blogtour] Der schwarze Thron: Die Königin – Interview mit Kendare Blake [+Gewinnspiel]

    Hallöchen zusammen, heute darf ich euch zum letzten Tag unserer Blogtour zu Kendare Blakes „Der schwarze Thron – Die Königin„* willkommen heißen. Nachdem ihr in den letzten Tagen unteranderem unsere Königinnen besser kennengelernt habt, gibt es heute ein Interview mit der Person ohne die es sie gar nicht erst gäbe: Autorin Kendare Blake. Hinweis: Für die deutsche Übersetzung des Interviews scrollt bitte weiter nach unten. Books on Fire: One Dark Throne is your third book translated into German. How does it feel as an author to know that your stories are also available to none-English speakers? Have you ever heard from one of your foreign readers that names or things…